RepaCuir has a limited stretch rate! Traction on soft foam bases can cause breaks.
breakage. To avoid this problem, overload with CicaCuir to limit the stretching of the leather, change the foam or counter-glue with a piece of leather if the cushion is removable.
In order to obtain a completely invisible repair, the application of a paint is essential.
This product is ONLY a repair product and not a finishing product, as its colour may change over time.
RepaCuir cracks when a lot of pressure is applied to the leather. Why does this happen?
This may be due to too much product being applied. In this case, you will have to sand it down to make it thicker. Most often this problem is due to abnormal stretching of the leather (leather with broken fibres, degraded foam, therefore soft). You will then have to laminate with a piece of leather (reinforcement), or change the foam so that it is firmer to limit mechanical stress (stretching).
Do you have a video tutorial on leather repair?
Yes, we invite you to watch all our videos on this subject below.