With this paint you can easily repaint in the selected colour:
This car and furniture leather stain has a strong hold and covers damaged areas well.
Unlike our recolourant supplied in a bottle, this paint has a varnish that will protect your recolouring for at least 6 months!
A light sanding (240 grit sandpaper) followed by a degreasing with acetone is necessary to promote adhesion.
The aerosol diffuses a constant stream after only a few seconds of agitation.
COLOUR CHOICE: The 21 standard colours of our colour chart are currently available. Very soon we will be able to offer custom colours (from a sample).
Before making your choice of colour, we strongly advise you to order our paper colour chart first.
1 aerosol can = 1.5m² of surface to be recoloured (1 small chair)
Note that light tones do not cover well, it is necessary to apply at least 2 additional coats.
Caution for use :
Always test the compatibility of the product on a small hidden area before applying.
To check, after 2 hours the product should be dry to the touch and should adhere well.
To achieve an optimal renovation, please carefully read the instructions for use of each product, and respect the order of application as well as the drying times.
For light colors or porous materials the quantity provided in the kit may be insufficient. Be sure to not finish part of your renovation without making sure you have enough products.
However, as a precaution, for pigment recolourants made from a sample of material, we keep the details of your color for one month.
100% french manufacturing since 1989!
Payment by CB, PayPal, Bank transfer
2 to 5 working days
+33 5 57 34 69 72
From Monday to Friday
from 10.00AM to 12.30PM and 13.30PM to 18.00PM